Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Birthday Merdeka Baby

Dear son,

Happy Birthday to you. You are 1 today. It seems like yesterday when you came home with us from the hospital. You were born at 1:31 pm on a Thursday. You weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and measured 19 ¼” long. The doctor laid you on mama's chest as soon as you entered this world. You were still slimy as they had not cleaned you off before the doctor handed you to me. For the first time, mama felt this tremendous love at first sight for you. Tears immediately flooded my eyes. Your papa was in awe of your arrival and was a good coach throughout the 7 hours labor process.

You had very fair skin and looked pinkish when you were born. The first thing I noticed about you is your beautiful double eye-lid eyes. You cracked open your eyes and was so curious about your surrounding. The second thing I noticed about you is your high forehead which resembles your papa. You spent 3 days in the hospital nursery and came home on Saturday.

On the first night you came home, we were trying to get to know you and fulfill your needs that we only got 2 hours of sleep. Things improved and we got 4 hours of sleep on the second night. You were a relatively easy baby during the 1st month although you had to be fed often (sometimes every hour). Your gas problem started during the 2nd month and became better some time around the 3rd or 4th month. Your eczema set in sometime around the 3rd and 4th month. At 9 month, you were diagnosed allergic to milk, eggs and peanuts.

You were able to sit unsupported at 7 months, crawled at 8 months and cruised at 9 months. You started eating semi-solid foods at 6 months. Your first teeth - lower central incisors - came in around 8 months. You waved bye-bye at 10 months. You took your first step unsupported a few weeks before your first birthday.

You were a “hand” baby because you constantly have to be held. You were very sensitive to music and love to be sung to. Your favorite song when you were younger is Edelweiss. You would give us a big smile or stop crying every time we sang this song to you. You don’t like classical music and love heavy rock music. At 8 months you danced to beats and music by shaking your head from side to side and up and down. At 11 months you sang with me when I asked you to (though your singing comprises of only about 2 notes :)

Last week, we saw improvement in your eczema. Thanks to our families and friends for praying for Ian’s eczema. We hope you will outgrow your eczema soon.

Today is your first ever birthday, and we are extremely proud of you. It hasn't been an easy one year, but somehow you managed to pull through under the care of inexperienced first time parents, and weathered through hives, eczema, cold, virus infection, allergic reaction etc. Though you are the cause of our heavy eye bags, sleepless nights, movieless/dateless one year, reduced bank account (thanks, Elecare and Triceram!), your mischievous smile and adoring hugs and kisses made it all worth the while.

We may feel tired and frustrated at times, however never once did we regret having you in our lives and we thank God for every day that you are healthy and happy baby. All in all, you have given us a wonderful year, and lots of training on our patience and functioning without adequate night time sleep. Our love for you grows fonder every day.

Thank God for bringing you into this world and you are such a blessing to us and bring us so much joy. We hope that God will always be with you.

We love you son, and happy first birthday...oh yeah and happy Merdeka day!

Papa & Mama

p/s: Ian's birtday party pictures (thanks to Uncle Kok Meng and his trusty Canon 28-70L f2.8)

M&M baby
Wide Eye Pretty Boy
Surrounded by aunties
What's with that big L Lens?
Present Opening Time!
Eee? What's this?
Yeah! I am the master of ball-ball toy!
Delicious bday cake... Hmm...more present! Cute or not?
Eh? What's that?
...ok ok no ball jokes please...
Happy with loads of attentions!
Playing with Princess Meredith & Aunt Hsing special cup cake made by mama (without milk product)
Hee hee...
Little professional
Cake cutting time!
Hey look what've I got...
Puppy eyes...
A little sad that the party had to end...


Hsing said...

Happy Birthday Ian!!!!!
We feel so wonderful that to have you and your Papa&Mama in our lives... ^___^

Anonymous said...

Dear Pearly & Chee Seang,

Reading Ian blog, my eyes just tearing up my heart, you both are one of the most wonderful parents I know! When Ian knows how to read, he will witness the wonderful love that you both have given him, and appreciate deeply in his heart.

I feel proud to know you both...and for sure, I will have a lot of learn from you both.


Denise said...

Truly an uplifting post :) Thank you for sharing and giving so much hope to mom like me who is currently battling baby eczema too. I like your positive views, I wish I have half of those attitudes like yours. BTW, I am a Malaysian too, currently staying in San Diego. :)