Saturday, October 21, 2006

Father of the Century

I came across this father and son ironman team, Team Hoyt, on my church friend's blog and their story and success really moved me and made me rethink the definition of a father.
Being a new dad to my new born son, I have been facing a very steep learning curve. At times I feel frustrated when Ian gets cranky, refuses to eat or cries for no apparent reasons. But all these were nothing compared to what Dick Hoyt must had gone through when he found out that his son, Rick was strangled by umbilical cord during birth, leaving him unable to control his limbs, and the doctor determined that Rick was to be a vegetable for life. Thank God Ian is at least a very healthy baby.
When I read through their story, saw their pictures and the videos (posted below, must watch!!), I could not help but wonder to what extent I would be able to sacrifice for Ian. Will I be as great a dad as Dick? It is really amazing how love can propel a person to achieve the impossible. Their story really put me to shame, and inspired me to be a better father. And heck, to start working out again.
The next time I feel helpless with the little, defenseless, and needy baby Ian, I will remember that compared to the Hoyts' amazing achievement, my task is just a piece of cake. I hope their story will inpire you as it did me. To be honest I wasted a few tissues and had to blame the cold and the fan when Pearl was wondering why I was sniffing :p
Here's the video links:

and another one here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to know that everyone is well!
baby is cute too!

bh (aka leeyang)