Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Counting Down

12 days till my due date and counting down. I can't wait and am so over this pregnancy. It wasn't until my last 6 weeks that I started feeling pregnant. After my 4 months of morning sickness, I was enjoying my pregnancy times and was able to do pretty much everything I was doing before I was pregnant. Now, Ian is getting so big and strong. He is using my liver as a punching bag. Boy, does he like to work out. The rashes on my limbs are better but still visit me sometimes, especially at night. My belly feels like it is on the verge of exploding after every meal. My colleagues are mimicking my waddle whenever they are walking behind me. I wake up almost every 1 to 1.5 hours every night to either because of some pain somewhere or urge to use the bathroom. You think I ought to spank Ian for all these when he comes into this world ;p

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