Friday, February 19, 2010

Megan is 6 months old

Megan is 6 months old today. It seemed like yesterday when she came home with us from the hospital. She was so tiny, her body molded mine, and she was totally a part of me. Today, she is still very much attached to me though she is discovering herself and is trying to be independent. I feel that she is growing up too fast.

She turned from tummy to back at 4 months and from back to tummy at 4.5 months. She rocks back and forth when I put her down on all fours. She is trying to sit and sometimes still topple over and it looks so funny when she does that.

She seems to understand some of the things I say, such as milk and “I am going to suction your nostrils” because her eyes would squint expecting me to do that. I love her toothless smile and laughs. Her favorite person is Ian. She totally adores him and must think that he is a real life toy. She will laugh out loud when Ian makes some silly faces for her or dances for her. She loves to jump (assisted) with Ian on the bed. It melts my heart to see Ian kisses her on her forehead.
Here are some pictures of Megan. She is so lovable and brings us so much joy.

Home coming

1 month

2 months

First Smile

3 months

4 months

4 months

4 months

5 months

5 months

6 months

6 months

6 months

6 months

Chinese New Year