Monday, June 04, 2007

Wean, wine and dine

It was a difficult start and it was pretty inconvenient. Pretty soon, I became a pro and it became easy and convenient. I loved this special relationship with Ian.

We took Ian to see an allergist 2 weeks ago and found out that he is allergic to milk, eggs and peanuts. Since it is very difficult (not impossible) to have a milk-free diet, I decided to wean Ian at 9 months. Thank God that I was able to go 9 months.

Weaning Ian brought me some sad and unexplainable feelings. I am sure some of those feelings were caused by changing hormone levels. During those last few times, I remembered looking deeply into Ian’s innocent eyes and he would study mine. He would clutch his hands on my clothes, I did not want him to let go.

Sometimes, he would play with my hair. Sometimes, he wouldl try to reach for something further away with his stubby feet and toes. I knew I was going to miss nursing him.

Then the battle with Ian started. He refused to drink any formula for 2 days.

After that, he started accepting formula a little bit better each day.

On the bright side, I feel liberated with my diet. I had been deprived of a strong cup of coffee for 18 months. Now, I can drink latte, drink as much wine as I want and have some cheese with it too. For the past 2 days, I have also been eating bread slapped with ½ in. of peanut butter. I don’t have to lug my pump to work everyday and don’t have to sneak out and disappear in the middle of a meeting for 15 minutes. Talk about some good planning! Nonetheless, I don’t have the luxury of eating as much as I want in quantity now because my body no longer burn that extra 500 calories per day.

1 comment:

melliebaby said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I've been wanting to say the same about your last few entries but before I could do it, something always pops up at work. Whilst reading this entry, the tears immediately welled up in my eyes... I can't imagine having to go through this later with Nat. It's so hard to let go! By the way, when you said Ian is allergic to milk, do you mean to breastmilk or to cow's milk in your diet?